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How do I get my refund after passing a challenge?
How do I get my refund after passing a challenge?

How do I get my refund after passing a challenge? Refund Policy

Todd Hodges avatar
Written by Todd Hodges
Updated over a week ago

When you pass your challenge and receive your funded account, we refund your challenge fee on your first payout. You can think of the challenge fee as a deposit you get back when you prove you have what it takes to be a Top One Funded Trader. This is our way of investing back into you when you become one of our funded traders.

Should you reset your account at any point, your refund will be based on the most recent challenge fee that you paid.

Please note: If you fail your challenge or violate any of the rules outlined in our FAQs, terms & conditions, or trader agreement, there will be no refunds. Aside from the refund rules above, we have a strict no refund policy.

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